
Most Dutch people are now equipped with solar panels. Given the inconsistent prices of gas and electricity, this is, of course, a great investment. Self-sufficiency, how wonderful is that!

Fortunately, the government has chosen to maintain the compensation system. However, electricity suppliers are not happy about this. Overloading the grid, returning electricity, and paying out power compensation are not a profitable business model for the suppliers.

Currently, there are already electricity providers charging a fee for the electricity returned to the grid. Not exactly ideal for individuals who want to become electricity suppliers.

Solution? Use it!

There are already several systems available:


    • Heat pump – an advanced air conditioner that can also blow warm air

    • Heat pump with HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilation)

    • Gas boiler – central heating

The air conditioner is a great device. When the warm air blows, it’s wonderful. But when it’s turned off, it quickly becomes uncomfortable. Then, the energy-hungry device will be turned back on, and the kilowatts will fly through the air.

The heat pump – HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilation) is not only a costly investment, but it’s also a significant energy consumer. To offset that power consumption with solar panels, you’d need to purchase a lot of panels.

For a larger house, you can install many panels.
However, a larger house requires more heating, and therefore, a larger heat pump system will need to be installed.

There’s another, more affordable system available!


The FloorSmartHeater can heat underfloor heating using electricity! This means your central heating system gets disconnected and is easily replaced by a new valve block, the FloorSmartHeater.

What happens?

Simply put, there is a heating coil in the system that heats the water in your underfloor heating to a comfortable room temperature.

The return water flowing back into the system is also measured, and the power demand of the FloorSmartHeater is adjusted accordingly!

The outgoing and returning water temperatures are automatically regulated to be as close as possible to each other. This way, very little power is needed to make your underfloor heating comfortably warm and efficient as a primary heat source!


Since the heat source (the heating coil) is directly built into the underfloor heating, there’s no heat loss during transport. Often, a central heating system is located in the attic. The heat demand (underfloor heating) is located on the ground floor, with long pipes running in between. Consider that a standard heating pipe contains 0.6 liters of water per meter.

Thanks to the clever design, your power demand drops to just 30 watts per square meter. A central heating system typically requires around 65 watts for the same area. That’s a direct reduction in your gas consumption!


You need much less electricity compared to a heat pump or HRV system. With this system, you can quickly become self-sufficient, at a very low acquisition and installation cost. The payback model is immediate!

Floor heater combined with external water heater: regular central gas heating or water heated by heat pump
Two floor heaters assembly for 200m2

If you are interested, don’t hesitate to contact us!