
All products shown on the website are developed at MillingMill with the diverse machines available!

Bridgeport VMC1000xp

4th axis + simultaneous milling

CNC Milling Machine

Cincinnati Arrow 700 with Heidenhain 426, 3 axis machine Bed dimensions: B750mm x D500mm x H500mm 21-tool changer

CNC Lathe

CNC/Teach-Inn Bridgeport ITL400 In short, a quick and versatile machine with an 8-tool changer

Vehicle lift (2500kg)

Motor lift table (500kg)

Two lift tables available for assembling motors

Intercomp Motor/Car Weighing System (4x 500kg)

Got a handling issue? No problem. We can map the entire geometry. With motor (or car) weighing equipment, it’s possible to determine center of gravity and dynamics

Shock Absorber Test Bench

A unique piece of equipment for a workshop. Thanks to extensive experience in suspension systems, this is a highly useful tool for flow measurements in forks or shock absorbers. Realistic speeds, measuring up to 1200mm/sec Accurate measurements

Blast cabinet

Quickly equipped with glass beads or blasting grit, ideal for finishing or aggressive rust removal

Oxy-Acetylene Torch

An indispensable tool in the workshop: A classic oxy-acetylene setup. With its extremely powerful flame, it’s possible to anneal hard chrome rods in no time, making them workable. Think of piston rods from the shock absorber industry—or enjoy some old-school brazing


Cerakote is an ultra-thin surface coating for materials. Even after a Cerakote treatment, threads remain functional. Applicable to aluminum, steel, stainless steel, and plastics